Project Description

Pursuing best practice in governance and CEO succession planning


Queensland South Native Title Services (QSNTS) is one of Australia’s
largest native title organisations and has responsibility for a region
covering almost two-thirds of Queensland. QSNTS works towards
the provision of native title services and enhancing the capacity and
autonomy of Traditional Owners in pursuing and exercising native
title rights. QSNTS is also actively involved in advocating for reform
and improvements to the native title system. QSNTS is governed by
an independent Board of Directors which oversees the strategic
direction of the company and its operations.


Following an initial briefing with the Chair and CEO, we reviewed
current board documents and policies. A self-assessment survey
was issued to each member of the Board of Directors followed by
individual interviews to gain their feedback and input. A final report
was presented to the board with a facilitated discussion. For the
CEO succession planning interviews were also undertaken with the
board and CEO, and a range of other organisations’ practices was


Following recent board recruitment, QSNTS engaged Positive
Solutions to undertake a Governance Review. QSNTS also engaged
Positive Solutions to review and further develop the organisation’s
CEO succession planning process.


The governance review process culminated in a report that
provided context for board operations, acknowledged the
current strengths and potential areas for improvement of QSNTS
Governance and made recommendations for future development.
The CEO succession planning process provided the board with a
clear route map to prepare for and implement future succession
and recruitment. Positive Solutions has been subsequently re-engaged for a to conduct annual reviews and to further develop the
CEO succession plan.